Jean Monnet Module on the European Union and the Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa – an Interdisciplinary Approach - Smart Specialisation-EUAfrica/AFROEU - AFROEU was established by Dr Anna Masłoń-Oracz to raise the knowledge and awareness on African topics among students and young professionals. The scope of the project covers the EU-Africa relations and the situation in the member states concerning the issues connected with EU External Economic Relations, as well as related policies at the EU and country levels. In the course of development of modern countries and regions; knowledge, skill, innovation and creativity were gradually gaining the position of the most distinctive and individual resources. This transformation has caused a change in the paradigm of thinking about the competitiveness of regions and forced it to move towards tight relations with knowledge and intellectual capital in enterprises.
The proposed Module aims at:
- Equipping students and young professionals with knowledge of European Union subjects relevant for their academic and professional lives and enhance their civic skills,
- Mainstreaming and diversifying EU-related subjects throughout the curricula proposed by higher education institutions to their students,
- Promoting research and first teaching experience for young researchers and scholars in EU issues,
- Fostering the publication and dissemination of the results of academic research,
- Delivering tailor-made courses on specific EU issues relevant for graduates in their professional life.
To achieve the above-mentioned aims, the AFROEU Module includes:
- Initiating two new courses to the Warsaw School of Economics curriculum covering SubSaharan Africa integration issues and related policies in the EU context,
- Organizing events, such as roundtable debates, conferences and workshops which will simultaneously combine scientific, educational and promotional functions,
- Research activities carried out during the whole project.