Degree seminar

A student prepares independently a degree thesis under the academic direction and scientific supervision of an authorized academic teacher – supervisor, at least a PhD holder. Dates of the seminars at WSE are proposed by the supervisor. WSE provides the flexibility in the way of organizing and conducting diploma (degree) seminars for its students. That is why, in case of this project the workshop formula is proposed for the students. Independently of individual meetings with the supervisor, the students will be invited to participate in degree seminars–workshops, which will support their process of writing their degree thesis and will be helpful for the supervisor, allowing for monitoring the students’ progress. Moreover, the presentation of parts of degree theses and resulting discussions with other participants of the workshops, including students, PhD candidates, academic staff from WSE and invited specialists from outside of WSE will stimulate the debate, and the exchange of the experiences and views, as well as help share different opinions and perspectives. The students will practice how to present their academic work, defend and substantiate their opinions, etc. Active participation in this event will help students to better prepare for their oral degree exams combined with the defence of their theses.

BA/MA thesis :

1. Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne jako szansa rozwoju gospodarczego krajów Wspólnoty Wschodnioafrykańskiej

2. Evaluation of Challenges, and Opportunities of Regional Trade Agreements and Pan-Africanism on the Example of the South African Development Community

3. Pomoc rozwojowa i humanitarna w regionie Afryki Wschodniej

4. Republika Południowej Afryki jako gospodarka dla bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych


6.Polska i Kenia – Światowi liderzy bankowości mobilnej

7. Analiza sektora Fintech i technologii Blockchain w rozwoju poszczególnych państw Afryki