The EUMIGRO project is a "Jean Monnet Module on the European Union and the Contemporary International Migration – an Interdisciplinary Approach" carried out as part of Jean Monnet Activities in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU. It is planned as a 3-year coherent short teaching programme in the field of EU studies at Warsaw School of Economics in Poland, conducted by dr M. Pachocka, a young full-time academic staff member, assistant professor, having obtained her PhD degree less than 5 years ago. The scope of the project covers the situation in the EU and its member states concerning the issues connected with contemporary international migration and asylum, as well as related policies at the EU and country levels. In recent years the interest in migrations, their trends, patterns, determinants, multidimensional causes and consequences has been on the rise, especially in connection with the migration and refugee crises in the Mediterranean region. Both the causes and the consequences of the current crisis situation in Europe are multidimensional – social, economic, political, cultural and institutional. Therefore it is crucial to encourage research and teaching activities in this area, so that informed debate can follow to educate European citizens in place of popular media coverage and political agendas. The subject of migration and asylum is an important part of EU studies and the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches are crucial to obtain the broad and complex picture in the intricate regional and global reality.